Blog 1: Introduction

Hi, welcome to my blog!

Here I will be posting my thoughts, helpful tips, positive quotes and my life! I hope it helps to bring a little bit of sparkle to your day ✨

Keep your eye out for new blogs - If you subscribe, you will get automatic alerts, so you don't have to miss another blog again! You will also be able to comment on posts, have access to my book and paid blog access, as a paying member.

You can see past blogs in the drop down menu of my website > Top Menu!

You will all now receive email alerts, when there is a new blog! of course you can opt out any time by unsubscribing.

What will I be posting on my blogs? Mental health > Health > Life style > Inspiration > Food > Talking about my book > My life > Random life events and much more!

You will now also be able to comment below on my blogs! This is a paying subscriber feature. Come say Hi and let me know what you would like me to post and talk about - Keep the language clean and friendly please 💕

Most of my blogs will be FREE for everyone and some will be for paid members only, where I will talk more about my book ✨

✨ You can read my book: Let Your Sparkle Shine - A self help guide to beating mental health - here on my website! Start your journey today, to become a new healthier, happier you! Break free from poor mental health & start living the life you would like to!

✨ Created by Rachel Spooner - Let your sparkle shine ✨ 
✨ Created by Rachel Spooner - Let your sparkle shine ✨

I hope my online book and blogs help you and wish you all the best on your journey to recovery and self discovery.

Rachel Spooner 🫶🏻